Recognizing that the word “doctor” means one who teaches, we incorporate education and motivation throughout your experience at MindBodySpirit Care. During office visits, conversations, and educational sessions, we help you understand the potential causes of your health problems as well as the powerful role that natural therapies play in regaining optimal health.
Patient Education
Your medical office experience is no longer a dull encounter from which you walk away with a prescription to suppress your symptoms and with no other tool to help you prevent or recover from disease . Office visits and seminars are designed to help you understand the mechanisms underlying your health challenges, show you how to implement your therapeutic program, and build enthusiasm for your new and healthier lifestyle.
Because stress is known to contribute to more than 70% of diseases, many of our seminars and workshops focus on a variety of methods to improve relaxation and stress management. In our interactive seminars you will enjoy sharing with other participants simple and practical skills that bring about immediate and noticeable improvements in your “relaxation response”.
In the workshops you will learn how to utilize breath and movement techniques to integrate the body and mind and improve physical and mental functioning. Our certified yoga instructor will help you learn safe and proper movements to incorporate into your individual health program. In our seminars on diet and nutritional therapies you will learn the practical aspects of healthy shopping, cooking, dining, and supplementing so you can implement your therapeutic diet at home.
In our special interest seminars you will have the opportunity to learn about a variety of subjects including topics by request that are of interest to you. You will learn about the role of hormones, neurotransmitters, and essential nutrients in achieving and maintaining optimal health. You will get the latest science on anti-aging medicine, with cutting edge natural techniques to achieve and maintain optimal physical and mental health. You will also discover the latest knowledge on prevention and treatment of heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, cancer, and other conditions. We often will offer recipes, books, CD’s, and online resources to provide reinforcement and motivation to help ensure your success in your continued quest for optimal health.