Insurance Plans:
We participate with major insurance companies, and our fees are based on appointment categories, procedures and time spent with a practitioner. Please contact your insurance company for verification of coverage and a complete explanation of benefits. We are happy to discuss expense and a payment plan with you at your appointment, but cannot negotiate with insurance companies for you. We recommend checking with your insurance company before you come in so that you are fully apprised of what is and what isn’t covered by your insurance policy.
Payment is due at the time of appointment. Co-Payment and Insurance Deductable Payments are due at the time of service. (click here for office policies)
If our office does not accept your insurance, you may want to see if you have out of network benefits, that will cover a good portion of your office visit.
Fee For Service:
For those without insurance, and for telephone consults our fees range from $150-$350 for initial encounter, and $75-$175 for follow up encounters depending on the complexity of the case.
Insurance does not cover any books, nutrients, or other complementary health products offered at our office. These expenses may be applied as health expense tax deductions (consult your professional accountant for the latest tax provisions)
Outside laboratories generally submit their own bills to you for tests they do, including blood work, cultures, x-rays, and Pap smear reading,
Regardless of insurance coverage, a co-payment is required for services at the time they are provided. An itemized receipt will be supplied that you may submit to your insurance company.
In the case of minors, the parent or guardian who accompanies the minor is responsible for the bill. If the parents are divorced, payment is required from the minor or parent accompanying, who can then be reimbursed by the responsible party.
We are happy to work with your existing primary care provider or specialist to coordinate your care after your initial visit or consultation.
Please click here for our patient intake forms.
So, call us at 813-935-2273, We’d love to work with you to find the solution that is right for you.